Select first n elements from a list


I want to select first elements from a list.


(define (take lst n)
  (let loop ((result '()) (i n) (lst lst))
    (if (or (null? lst) (<= i 0))
        (reverse result)
        (loop (cons (car lst) result) (- i 1) (cdr lst)))))

(define (take/alternative lst n)
  (let loop ((result '()) (i n) (lst lst))
    (cond ((<= i 0) (reverse result))
          ((null? lst) (error "take: not enough elements"))
           (loop (cons (car lst) result) (- i 1) (cdr lst))))))

Credit: Jakub T. Jankiewicz


The same function is part of the SRFI-1.


(take '(1 2 3 4 5) 3)
;; ==> (1 2 3)
(take '(1 2) 10)
;; ==> (1 2)
(take/alternative '(1 2) 10)
;; ==> take: not enough elements

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